Sarah Cracknell pictures
It's the Sarah Cracknell pictures page!
This page is (predictably enough), dedicated to pictures and photos of the sexy Miss Cracknell. Hope you like them, and if you have any pictures you would like to donate, then please let me know! The video caps taken from Sarah's performance of "Anymore" on the Big Breakfast in July 1996, the video for the St Etienne hit "Sylvie", and the subsequent Top of the Pops appearance, and from the videos of St Etienne hits "You're in a bad way", "Hobart Paving", "Hug My Soul", "Like a motorway" and "I'm Too Sexy" are courtesy of Darren Meldrum, the photo of Sarah at the Radio One roadshow is courtesy of Lee Harland, the signing photo is courtesy of David Bellamy, the Lipslide and TYTD scans are courtesy of Tobbe, and the US live show pics are courtesy of Tika Bordelon and Christine (EuropopGrrl!), and the pictures from NYC Bowery Ballroom are courtesy of Secret Chris, superstars extraordinaire!
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